If the car goes one day without a current licence, you cannot drive it on the road in New Zealand.
The Vehicle Registration Renewal Guide
Once you purchase the car and contact the Motor Vehicle Registration you will be the registered person for the vehicle, and you are responsible for the Rego renewal, any fees or levies, and all inspections. The MVR doesn’t register owners, just the person registered with the vehicle.
There are a few vehicles exempt from the continuous renewal like a tractor, all-terrain vehicles, and trailers with a weight limit of fewer than 3500 kilograms.
Check online for the Expiry Date
The expiry date is on your licence (which should be on display on your windscreen in the bottom left corner) so you know when it will expire. We recommend you make a note of it and start the licence renewal process several weeks before the expiry date.
The expiry date can be checked online through the NZ Transport Agency along with the date of your last WOF/COF inspection, and licence exemptions. All you need is your licence plate number to get started.
Gather Up Your Renewal Info
You should get the notice of renewal and the cost about 4 weeks before it expires either by mail or email. Once you have it, you will need to renew the registration of your car, the money for the renewal (you can pay for one month up to fifteen months), and a current Cof or WOF. You won’t need the WOF or COF if you have a light trailer. If for some reason you don’t know what the renewal will cost, you can check online.
You can head over in person or do the process online. If you’re doing online rego renewal you will need a credit card and your licence plate number. If your WOF or COF is due, get them done early to avoid any delays. If you have any unpaid vehicle licence invoices, you’ll need to pay those before the licence renewal.
If you moved since your last Rego and haven’t updated the address, you will need to do that as well. All you need to update the address is your driver’s license.
Re-registering a Vehicle
If you are past your 12-month unlicenced period and your vehicle now has a lapsed/cancelled registration, you will have to do the entire process over again to get it back on the road.
This process to start re-registering includes having new plates assigned, you may need a new VIN allocation, current WOF and Cof will need to be obtained, and a current licence will need to be purchased. Full vehicle inspection will be needed along with a certified engineer report. There is also the chance you will need a safety inspection. Any RUC fees that have gone unpaid will have to be paid too. The total for all of this will cost somewhere around $1000 to $1500.
There is an alternative to this process that will put cash in your pocket, and all you have to do is make a phone. Car wreckers Auckland pays cash for cars no matter what condition. Here’s how it works; You call them at 0800 88 44 55 with the make, model, and VIN of the vehicle you want to sell.
Their recycle specialists make you an offer, and you accept. Once the offer is accepted, they will be there to remove the car in an hour. The best part is it’s FREE! It costs you a few minutes of your time, that’s all. They will pay up to $15,000 for the car you no longer need.
There is no need to go through the hassle of re-registering that vehicle. Sell it for cash, and save yourself up to $1500 in the cost of re-registering and having all those inspections done.
If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to get cash for your car, look no further than Car Wreckers Auckland. They will pay top dollar for any make or model of car, and removal is always free. So what are you waiting for? Give them a call today at 0800 88 44 55!
Putting Your Rego on Hold
If you’re sick, taking a long holiday, or don’t plan to drive the car in the next three to twelve months, at the time your licence renewal is due, you can file for an exemption. Exemptions can be obtained by the registered person or by someone on your behalf. The exemption is a hold on your licence for the period applied for.
If you need to drive the car before the exemption expires, you will need to do a licence renewal before taking the car on the road. Keep in mind that your car needs to be exempt for three months before you can do a licence renewal.
You can apply for the exemption online using a credit card, your licence plate, and a current New Zealand driver’s licence. If you want to apply in person, take the same information to a local agent and file for the exemption. Remember that if you have an expired registration, you can not apply for an exemption until the license is current. Be sure to apply early so your licence doesn’t expire before you file for an exemption.
Renewing your Rego ensures you and your passengers have a safe and uneventful ride.